How Massage And Chiropractic Care Help With Chronic Muscle Tension

If you've ever experienced muscle tension, you know that it can be inconvenient; even painful. If the muscle tension is infrequent, then you have nothing to worry about. However, frequent muscular spasms are a cause for concern. Untreated muscle tension can put a strain on blood vessels, leading to high blood pressure and heart problems. Fortunately, your chiropractor can help. But first, here's a look at common causes of muscle tension

Muscle tension can be caused by a number of factors: fatigue, emotional stress, inadequate sleep, poor posture, and nerve malfunction, among others. Dehydration and wrong exercise techniques can also cause muscle tension. Muscle tension mostly affects calf, thigh, neck, and back muscles.


Nerves are messengers that transmit messages of comfort or pain between the central nervous system and the rest of the body, including your muscles. When your spinal cord is misaligned, the muscles are pushed out of place. The nerves then send messages of pain to the brain.

To treat muscle tension, your chiropractor may suggest an adjustment of your spine to its correct position. This will stimulate nerves which will, in turn, ease pressure and pain off the affected muscles. They may also apply several manipulation techniques to correct any dysfunction or restriction in your joints.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can work as an effective treatment against muscle tension. The massage therapist will manipulate your muscles in a bit to loosen the knots. This will help to relieve muscular tension, easing the pain and relax your body. Massage therapy will further improve your overall well-being.


A change of diet can also help to ease muscle tension. Dehydration may cause an electrolyte imbalance which in turn causes muscular cramps. Drinking more water will help to restore this balance. Lack of calcium and too much caffeine in your diet can also cause muscle tension. Your chiropractor may recommend a change of diet alongside other treatment methods.

Heat Treatment

Applying a hot pack onto the affected muscle will help to increase blood flow to the area. You can use a hot pack two or three times a week, in-between your visits to your chiropractor.


Your chiropractor may recommend some gentle stretching exercise to ease the tension in the area. Muscle tension is a common physical complaint. It can range from mild to severe. A few home remedies may offer some relief for mild cases. If the tension is frequent or persistent, you may need to visit a chiropractor. Left untreated, prolonged muscular tension can lead to complications.

For more information, contact a company like Aurora Chiropractic Clinic.
