Tips For Addressing Migraine Headaches With The Help Of A Chiropractor

Chronic migraine sufferers often struggle to find an effective treatment that will not only eliminate migraine pain when it occurs, but also prevent them from happening altogether. One of the things that many people have found is that routine chiropractic services can make a difference. If you're wondering how chiropractic care can help you with migraines, you'll need to understand the fundamentals of migraine headaches and what you can expect of treatment. Here are some of the things that you should know.

What Should You Know About Migraines?

Although you might understand that you suffer from migraines, you may not fully understand how those migraines affect your body and what changes your body might go through before a migraine begins. Migraines are a neurological condition, and they can often be triggered by certain irritants, though they can also happen spontaneously.

Although the intense headache pain is the most widely-known symptom of migraine headaches, it is only one symptom. The days before a migraine occurs can often be littered with smaller signs that could tell an intuitive individual that a migraine is on the way. Visual disturbances, sensitivities to light and even difficulties with loud or persistent sounds. You may even struggle with poor concentration and fatigue after the headache itself has faded.

What Can a Chiropractor Really Do?

When you visit a chiropractor for migraine pain, he or she will start with a comprehensive medical exam. During the exam, the chiropractor will ask about your medical history, including detailed information about the migraines and how long you've had them. He or she will ask about what symptoms come with your migraines, including nausea, sensitivities and pain.

This discussion is usually followed by a physical exam. This exam gives the chiropractor a chance to assess your posture as well as the symmetry of your body structure, including your shoulders and back muscles. Tension or muscle pain in your shoulders and neck area are frequently to blame for migraine headaches. The chiropractor may look for any knotting or tension in those muscles.

What Kinds of Treatment Are Available?

In addition to the traditional prescription medications and pain relievers, you may find that a treatment regimen with a chiropractor also helps. The chiropractor will address any problems with alignment or symmetry, including manual manipulation and deep massage. For example, if the chiropractor identifies a misalignment in your shoulders and neck, he or she will focus on adjustments in those areas.

Depending on what's causing your migraines, your chiropractor may be able to ease your symptoms with a single adjustment or may suggest that you seek repeated treatments to help keep them from coming back. If you're struggling with other joint problems or spinal issues, you may find that routine visits will help you feel more comfortable.
