Back Surgery Not Working So Well? Chiropractic Rehabilitation Therapy Could Be The Missing Link You Need

If you've had back surgery but are still experiencing pain and limited ability to do things because of the pain, you're not alone. Failed back surgery, or surgery that is only partly successful, is so common that it's actually been given the name "failed back surgery syndrome." Luckily, surgery isn't the only path that you can take; even after having surgery, you can use different therapies including chiropractic manipulation and rehabilitation therapy to help heal your back.  

Why the Surgery Didn't Work

Back surgery is seen as an aggressive therapy that's needed when less invasive therapies haven't succeeded. It's also recommended when there are urgent problems accompanying the back pain, such as bladder control problems. However, the surgery is often done when the real cause of the pain has not really been identified. The surgery may have fixed a visible problem, but the real cause of the pain you've been experiencing didn't lie in that visible problem. So you're stuck with the pain as well as scars and stitches.

Complementary Therapies

However, just because the surgery didn't work doesn't mean it didn't help. It did fix something that was visibly wrong; now you just need to shore that up and start working on the areas around the surgery. This is where chiropractic manipulation and physical therapy come in. Exercise can strengthen the muscles that support your spine; massage can relieve tension in the muscles that might have been causing your joints and bones to tighten up and not let you have your full range of motion. In fact, a 2004 case study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine found that a combination of chiropractic and physical therapies that focused on posture and proper bending and lifting, as well as some exercises, resulted in a vast improvement in symptoms for a 54-year-old man who had not gotten relief after back surgery.

What to Do

Start by going to your doctor and working out a plan of attack. Discuss chiropractic work, physical therapy, acupuncture, and even plain old stretching and basic exercises that you can do on your own. Get a team of professionals working together to help you strengthen your back. You can also start looking for individual professionals on your own, so if you'd like to know more about how chiropractic work can help your back, talk to a chiropractor as soon as you can.

For more information, contact Back To Health Chiropractic & Wellness or a similar organization.
