The Three Components Of Most Chiropractic Rehabilitation Programs

If you've chosen to undergo chiropractic rehabilitation for a muscle or joint injury, you might be wondering what to expect from this type of treatment. Chiropractic rehabilitation differs somewhat from standard, physical therapy-based rehab. Most likely, your program will consist of three basic types of treatment which, when combined, encourage a safe and healthy recovery.

Stretching and Adjustments

It is a common misconception that chiropractors only know how to adjust the spine. They are also experts at adjusting the alignment of other joints in the body, and they often use stretching techniques to do so. For instance, by stretching your legs in a certain way, your chiropractor can ensure your hips are properly aligned in your pelvis.

Stretching-style adjustments are an important part of your rehabilitation program because they ensure that weight and strain are distributed evenly between your joints, so that the injured joint is not being put under any unnecessary strain that might slow healing. Your chiropractor will most likely also adjust your spine during your visits – if your spine is out of alignment, you can bet that you're carrying weight unevenly and placing unneeded strain on certain areas.


Your chiropractor will likely show you how to perform certain exercises that strengthen and stretch the affected area. This part of the treatment is much like that which you'd receive from a physical therapist. You'll be asked to demonstrate the exercises in the office to ensure you know how to perform them, and then you'll be instructed as to how many times to perform them at home.

You may also be given some home treatments to perform with simple tools like a foam roller. Foam rolling is a simple type of self-massage which involves rolling a dense tube of foam across the affected area. It helps manage muscle tightness and speed healing.

Other Natural Therapies

Since chiropractors focus on whole-body health, some other natural therapies may also be used to treat your ailments. Your chiropractor may recommend some dietary changes that will help speed your healing. He or she may also use hot/cold therapy to reduce inflammation or show you how to use hot/cold therapy at home. Some chiropractors even use cold lasers to stimulate circulation to an area and improve healing.

If you like the idea of focusing on whole-body health and using a multi-faceted approach to treating your injuries, then be sure to consider chiropractic rehabilitation. It's a bit different than standard physical therapy rehabilitation, but the combination of adjustments, exercise, and other natural therapies might mean you'll be back to feeling like yourself sooner.

For more information, contact Gerleman Chiropractic Office or a similar location.
